Analyze textual data in an instant with DeepAI.
Ask any question to get decision-making help powered by augmented intelligence. DeepAI is here.

Augmented Intelligence, multiple LLMs and collaborative approach of top AI agents beats any LLM in terms of textual analysis or decision making.

Empowers you to analyze high volumes of text through the desired lens, such as sentiment, political leaning, level of emotional intensity and level of sarcasm.

Get help with any decision through multi-layered interactions between intelligent AI agents fed with data you provide and specilized knowledge you define. Replicate and augment your human teams instantly.
Customize DeepAI agents to mimic a variety of decision-making styles such as consensus, collaboration, voting, or delegation.
DeepAI team
Ljubisa Bojic
CEO & Founder / Ljubisa is a communication scientist. He holds a PhD from University of Lyon. At the same time, Bojic is a senior research fellow at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development of Serbia.
Nenad Pantelic
Backend Lead & Founder / Nenad has been working for various top-scale companies and as a teaching assistant at the University of Kragujevac on courses: Web programming, Computer Structures, Databases, etc.
Milan Cabarkapa
AI Lead / Milan is professor at the Faculty of Engeneering where he teaches computer sience, machine learning and neural networks. He has been working for top global companies in the domain of artificial intelligence.